Client Testimonial

The Life Balance Assessment was truly an eye opener, I knew there were areas that I needed to adjust but the assessment revealed that there are factors I didn't consider that are negatively impacting my productivity professionally as well as simple tasks in my everyday life. The assessment questions were direct and caused me to slow down and really reflect in order to answer truthfully. The experience confirmed that my life is not as balanced as I would like it to be. I am eager to participate in the CPT Wellness coaching program and very optimistic about learning techniques that will help me manage my life and balance my time.

L. Swift

What does work/life balance mean to you?

Do you have a healthy balance in the areas of; personal fulfillment, relationships, health, fitness, career or business, money and finances?

Do you recognize the sabotaging behaviors that have stopped you in your tracks?

Did you know that how you think or feel about yourself can prevent you from experiencing growth?

Does your fear of rejection paralyze you?

Are you the authority over your life?

Let’s explore what has held you back, so that you can be who your soul yearns for you to be.